Greetings everybody! Happy Lunar New Year! SuperGreenBeans here, tester of some of the latest reworks and revamps. The last time China as a whole received changes to its gameplay was at the very end of 2019 with the China Rework which, as some of you may know, was quite an ambitious project that left the region with some unresolved issues. As the vanilla game has been fleshed out with new mechanics, many of the old mechanics also found themselves duplicated, no longer fully functional, unable to take advantage of new systems, or otherwise outdated.
Alongside its content additions, the aim of our next release is to fix most of these problems, and create a better alignment system for Chinese tags, even for those that were not previously designed to be possible unifiers. In addition to the broad system redesign, we have taken an interest in further standardisation. For instance, several sets of decisions had duplicated copies across the code base so we've streamlined excess code wherever we've noticed it. Take the concessions decisions as an example. Some warlords had their own special decisions to try and take the concessions, when it could be made so that all of them could have access to the same decisions list. Changes like these should cut down on files needing maintenance and therefore, fewer bugs. Beyond that, some warlords had no access to these unification decisions at all. This update seeks to resolve that.
So, here are the big changes coming to China's broader region-wide mechanics in the next release:
Key Points
- Hunan and Liangguang will now start off as subjects of the League of Eight Provinces and break away soon after Black Monday as they do so currently. Their starting content has been adjusted to fit in with this change.
- 湖南和两广开局时将作为八省联合附庸,在黑色星期一后不久,他们就会像现在一样脱离联合。他们的开局内容会依据这一修改做出相应调整。
- There has been a total rebalance of starting factories, infrastructure, building slots, and resources, to better represent China’s development and in-game balance for the late game behemoth.
- 开局的工厂、基建、建筑位和资源将进行总体平衡,以更好表现中国的发展,也为了平衡游戏后期中国成为庞然巨兽的情况。
- Changed the shapes of some states to better reflect the administrative boundaries.
- 改变了一些省份的形状,以更好地反映行政区划边界。
Alignment and Unification
- The alignment of Chinese warlords now uses the puppet system instead of factions. The on-map colour and name of a warlord is dependent on whether they are a government claimant, aligned to a government claimant, or unaligned. Puppets of government claimants will always have the colour of the government claimant. As such, all cliques beside Fengtian will begin with the same colour to show their nominal acceptance of the central government in Beijing. Not long after the League War starts, all Chinese warlords will revert back to their own colour.
- 中国军阀的结盟状态现在使用傀儡系统,而非阵营来表示。它们在地图上的颜色和名字取决于他们是否是中国领导权声索者,还是与之结盟的军阀,亦或是独立的政权。全国领导权声索者的傀儡将和他们有相同的颜色,因此开局时,除奉系军阀外,所有军阀将有和清政府相同的颜色,以表示对北京中央政府的名义上的服从。八省联合内战开始后不久,所有中国军阀就会换回他们自己的颜色。

- All Chinese warlords can become national unifiers so long as they are strong enough to contend with all other existing national government claimants. Their on-map name will change to make it clear they are a rival government. E.g. Chongqing Government/Guangzhou Government.
- 只要有足够的实力与其他全国领导权声索者竞争,任意中国军阀就可以尝试统一中国。他们地图上的名字会改变,以表明他们是试图统一中国的互相敌对政府,比如重庆政府、广州政府。
- Integration of aligned warlords now uses vanilla puppet levels to simulate their integration, and that will now be a more time consuming task. There are four stages to integration, with a subject ranging from associated governorate, autonomous governorate, governorate, integrated governorate and then finally annexation. Every stage of integration adds 5% collaboration to the subject being integrated which translates to compliance when annexed giving the integrator cores. Players without La Resistance need not worry as you get cores at the end anyway. Needless to say, you get the army and generals as well. To sum it up, it is unnecessary to fully reunify China to start the integration process.
- 已结盟军阀的整合现在将通过原版的傀儡等级来表现,所以会更费时间。整合有四个阶段,以整合程度排序,分别是合作省、自治省、系属省、整合省,最后就是吞并。每个整合阶段会为被整合者增加5%合作度,也就是说,这些加起来,在整合时,整合者将得到核心(没有抵抗运动dlc的玩家不必担心,无论如何你都能拿到核心的),还能拿到被整合者的部队和将领。综上所述,你不必在完全统一中国后才启动整合进程。

- A new feature implemented is that there is a chance that your subjects may rebel when attempting to integrate them. However, This is strictly for cases where your subjects are not closely aligned to you, so primarily for warlords that are not genuine ideological allies, like “National Protection Alliance” leaders. Subjects strongly aligned to their overlord should never rebel and were they to do so, it would come at a penalty.
- 试图整合军阀时,他们可能会反叛。然而,这种情况大部分是在结盟不太紧密的情况下(主要是在那些不是真正的意识形态盟友的军阀间)发生的,如“护国联盟”。与领袖紧密结盟的国家一般永远不会反叛,如果反叛了,那么就是作为惩罚。
- Integration of conquered provinces no longer involves controlling the historical province and using political power to integrate it over a period of time. Now, integration uses the compliance system instead; once an average of over 50% compliance has been reached in an occupied Chinese splinter state (so long as they no longer exist), you will get cores on all its core territory. Hence, there is now a new occupation law called “Integration” to help expedite this process.
- 被占领省份的整合现在不再需要控制历史上的省份(如“陕西省”),也不是通过使用政治点数,再等待一段时间了。现在,整合将通过顺从度系统进行:只要一个中国政权不存在,一旦它领土上的平均顺从度达到50%或更高,你就会获得它所有核心领土的核心。因此,我们准备了一项叫做“整合”的占领法案,帮助你加快这一进程。

- Chinese Unification now requires that all rival governments have been eliminated with only one claimant remaining. Once achieved, there are a couple of decisions that will become available. It will be possible to decide on a capital from at least four different options, or keep the starting one. In addition, the player will get access to land reform decisions that will act as a late game political power sink that will improve the state category of relatively underdeveloped states, thus providing more building slots. Lastly, decisions will be unlocked to demand that any remaining warlords submit to you, if there are any left, turning them into subjects if they accept.
- 中国统一现在需要所有试图统一的政府都被消灭,只剩一个国家领导权宣称者。达成之后,将会解锁几个决议:你可以在至少四个选项中选择新首都,或保留开局首都;此外,玩家会获得土地改革决议组,让游戏晚期的政治点数有用武之地,并提升那些相对欠发达省份的省份类型,提供更多的建筑位;最后,还将解锁决议,要求所有剩余的军阀臣服(如果还有的话),如果他们接受,就会变为你的附庸。

- All Chinese warlords, upon proclaiming the reunification of China, will have access to standardised decisions to tackle the issue of the Legation Cities and the other concessions. This can be through negotiation, threats or if all else fails, outright war. The decisions are dynamic in that they will take into account other countries owning the concessions, apart from those who hold concessions at the start.
- 宣布中国统一后,所有军阀都会获得一个标准化的决议组,解决使馆城市和其他租界的问题。玩家可以进行谈判、威胁,如果其他手段都失败,也可以直接开战。这些决议是动态的,因为除开局就拥有租界的国家外,还需要考虑其他拥有租界的国家。

- The issues of East Turkestan, Mongolia and Tibet will be unlocked behind reunifying China first, and more interactions with these countries will be available, such as giving autonomy to them, asking only for Han-populated regions, or demanding straight-up annexation. A foreign power such as Russia or India may intervene in this process, depending on the circumstances.
- 统一中国后,Sinkiang、蒙古、Tibet问题将被解锁,之后会解锁更多的交互选项,如给予自治权、只要求汉人聚居区、要求直接吞并等。俄罗斯和印度等境外势力可能会干预这一进程,取决于具体情况。

- The former “National Protection Alliance” attack decisions are now standardised for all Chinese warlords, and generic post-unification content will be available for all those who don’t have unique content. Those aligned to the Federalists will get the Federalist focus tree instead.
- 之前的“护国联盟”攻击决议将被标准化,适配到所有军阀中;其通用的统一后内容也会被加到那些没有自己统一后内容的军阀中,联省派军阀除外,他们将使用联省派国策树。
- The Chinese United Front faction will return once more, requiring a major power to be an aggressor against a Chinese warlord. During this, integrating aligned warlords or justifying wars is not possible, until the foreign invader has been defeated. Forming the faction will not be possible once China has been reunified.
- “中国统一战线”阵营再次回归,要求是有主要国家攻击中国军阀。在此期间,不能整合已结盟军阀或宣战,直到外国入侵者被击败。如果中国已经再统一,就不能建立统一战线。

Other Notable Changes
- All Chinese warlords now start with two research slots, and all can reach at least four before unification. All United Chinas can now have a maximum of five research slots.
- 所有中国军阀的开局研究槽数都是两个,统一前至少能达到四个。所有已统一的中国政权都能拥有五个研究槽的上限。
- Army Reform for all Chinese warlords has been changed to instead be a national spirit with different effects. There is a decision costing 100 army experience, that can be taken three times to resolve the issues of division organisation, defence, mobilisation speed, and max entrenchment while removing the supply consumption boost. The decision may only be used 90 days or more after its last activation. Meanwhile, another decision costing 200 army experience can be taken once, and removes the recruitable population factor, experienced soldier losses and command power issues instantly.
- 所有中国军阀的军事改革将被改成一个效果可变的民族精神。你会有一个花费100陆军经验的决议,可以执行三次,用以解决部队组织度、部队防御、动员速度和最大堑壕值的问题,并逐步移除减少补给消耗的增益,执行完一次后,需要至少90天后才能再次执行;还有一个花费200陆军经验的一次性决议,以移除适役人口修正、有经验的士兵损失和指挥点的减益。

- Taiwan is now not guaranteed to be ceded to China after a “Fading Sun” peace treaty is signed. Japan ceding Taiwan to China will depend on their naval strength compared to all their enemies, or whether Taiwan is occupied when the “Fading Sun” peace deal fires.
- 现在“落日”和平协议签署后,台湾不是必然归还中国了。“落日”停火时,日本是否归还台湾取决于日本与所有敌国的海军实力对比,以及台湾是否已被占领。
- Japan now cedes any concessions it takes in mainland China post “Fading Sun” back to China, as part of the deal made following their peace negotiations. As such, no more Fengtian Republic of China made up only of concessions.
- 现在,作为和平谈判达成的协议的一部分,日本会将“落日”后在中国大陆获得的所有租界归还中国。因此,不再会出现仅由租界组成的奉系民国了。
- Finally, several mostly minor changes across warlords, new events, and other improvements to fit in with the new system.
- 最后,为了适配新机制,我们还在军阀、新事件以及其他事项上有所改动。
Questions and Answers
Will there be new special expansion options for any warlords?
No changes are planned. All current special expansion options such as Yunnan’s expansion into its neighbours or the Ma Clique being able to integrate Xinjiang will stay as is.
Why make Hunan and Liangguang exist as subjects at the start of 1936, are they not part of the League?
Lore-wise, they have become increasingly autonomous within the League of Eight Provinces by 1936 and are not ruled by members of the Zhili Clique. In terms of gameplay, this helps make the League Collapse easier to handle for both the player and AI by better delineating borders and areas of likely conflict. For example, the KMT AI should no longer need to worry about expanding into Guangzhou during its initial deployments. Likewise, a new LEP player will be less likely to deploy crucial forces there.
What's the reasoning behind not always getting Taiwan as China after the “Fading Sun” Peace treaty?
We have wanted to make this change for some time, but didn’t do so because of complications surrounding peace conferences and the AI. As for “why”, at the time, the Treaty of Shimonoseki was widely regarded as a legitimate international agreement and a settled matter, even by successive Chinese governments. That’s even more true in Kaiserreich’s timeline where there’s no 14 Points, certainly no Atlantic Charter, and China is still viewed by many people as a “region” rather than a “country”. Even those with higher minded ideals would be given pause, however, since most of the working-age Taiwanese population by 1936 (let alone later dates) had never known anything other than Japanese rule, and the majority of the urban population (who held most social and political power) held pro-Japanese views. We understand that some of our Chinese players may be upset by this decision, but it represents the factual situation during the period both historically and in the Kaiserreich timeline. The player can always choose to pursue conquest and integration.
What happens if there are warlords at war with each other when the United Front forms?
What will happen is that the warlords will sign a truce, join the United Front, and then once the foreign invader has been defeated, can take decisions to start the war again. That way, no situation of one of them joining the United Front and the other being killed by all its members. Exceptions are cases where Fengtian joins Japan’s faction, where in that case, all of Fengtian’s allies should not join the United Front. This was the way the original United Front was meant to work, but at the time there were fewer tools for us to draw from to make it work in a way we were comfortable with.
Why did you decide to give Chinese warlords more research slots only now?
This had been a point of moderate contention within the team for a long time. Some of us felt that research slots represent a combination of scientific and industrial capability. In other words, it doesn’t matter how great your inventions are if you can’t actually produce those inventions at reasonably cheap prices, in volume, or at all. This was a major problem for Japan historically, whose industrial base was still playing catch-up, let alone China. Representing this disparity would better immerse the player and force them to be more selective in their research choices. The opposing school of thought highlighted the benefits when it came to game balance and player choice, particularly in the late game. Ultimately both sides were rendered moot by a move to standardise research across all countries in the mod.
I think that about wraps it all up. Naturally there’ll be additional smaller changes, adjustments, and additions in the final release, alongside broader improvements across the mod as a whole. Any questions about the new Chinese mechanics, and other work mentioned here, should be asked in #ask_a_dev on Discord or here on Reddit.
介绍就到这里。当然,在最终发布的版本中还会有其他小改动、调整和增添,以及对mod整体的更广泛改进。如果对中国新机制或以上工作的任何问题,都可以来Discord的#ask_a_dev或者Reddit这里问。 |